Bed Placement

Written by Nicolette Vajtay

Where you place your bed ​is probably the most important thing to consider for a healthy relationship.  Because where you place your bed will affect how you sleep.  And how you sleep will affect how you wake up in the morning, and​ how you ​live your day.  When we don’t get enough sleep,  or if we don’t feel rested when we wake up, even after 8, 9, or 10 hours of sleep,​ we ​may not ​be ​our best selves.  ​And on whom do we most often take out our stress and frustration?  Yup.  The people we love the most because they live the closest to us.

BONUS:   if you haven’t yet experienced Tapping or EFT, here is a great tapping video with Brad Yates on SLEEP!  I love him. He’s so knowledgeable and so cute. I do a tapping script with him most every day on any given topic!  Feng Shui & Tapping will work together beautifully.

The healthiest placement of your bed, is​ ​with your headboard against a solid wall  – you do have a headboard right?  ​Watch for the blog about the importance of a headboard​!!  Position the headboard on a wall, so that you can see the door from the bed, but not be in alignment with the door.

Like in the picture above, this bed placement is called being in the “command position.”  You are tucked in and protected, and can ​literally and metaphorically ​see what energy is coming toward you.  And if you can see what opportunities are coming toward you, you can make healthy decisions on how you want to move forward in your life.

This is another healthy command position above.  Can you feel how facing the door puts you in a power position?  You can also fully enter the room without any obstacles in your way, including not bumping into the bed.

This position is super unhealthy and something you would hope to avoid if you can.  In this position, the bed is too close to the door.  Fast-moving energy rushes through doorways and if that aggressive energy crosses over your body while you’re sleeping, you may begin to feel anxious, stressed, overwhelmed, or even sick.

So if you feel you ​are ​struggling in your relationship ​AND you happen to have poor bed placement –  one feng shui cure that can help you connect more with your beloved​, and just sleep better and wake up healthier every morning,​ is to move the bed into the command position. Let me know how it goes!

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