I spent a few hours with a beautiful family and their inspired home builders facilitating a blessing on a large property on Mercer Island in Washington, in preparation for a big build! They are building three houses on this one lot of land, for three family members who will raise their children together. What a wonderful way to grow up with cousins next door, built-in babysitters, and sisters/brothers to spend time with.
The Property Blessing is called Feeding the Hungry Ghosts - and as we do this blessing we don't try to scare away negative energy because negative energy is already a low vibration; you can't scare it. During the blessing, we FILL the negative energy up with goodness, and once full, the energy can move on to its next adventure. We give the negative energy food and drink and celebration and gratitude and prayers so that the YIN energy becomes YANG energy. Yin energy is the darker, slower, quieter, energy, which can make us feel depleted, sick, and/or anxious, etc. Of course, nature is alive and well on the property, but when I checked in with this plot of land, there was a low vibration because it hadn't yet been used for its highest purpose.
According to Feng Shui it's best not to remove a living tree, it causes trauma to the tree of course, and to the land. It's okay and actually encouraged to remove sick or dead trees from your property. So we blessed the trees that will be removed and thanked them for their amazing service to our lives. The builders promised that the trees will be shared with others, used for furniture and/or mulch; their principles are that nothing is wasted. That's good Feng Shui.
Property blessings are also helpful when scraping a house before a rebuild (another trauma to the property), or on a property where there have been financial problems, illness, or violence, or a home that has lived empty for a long while, so that you may release the YIN vibration and call in the highest energy all around you. The Grand-master of Feng Shui, Professor Lin Yun said, that if you can only do one thing right now, do this blessing and it will change your life. Do you need a blessing today?